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Adoption: Lots to do…

Posted by on 07 Oct 2009 | Tagged as: Adoption

So Emily and I just got back from our vacation in Brown County and we’ve spent a lot of time talking about our upcoming adoption. We have a lot to get accomplished in just four short weeks!

We are making plans to visit the birthmother, who is out of state, in about a week or two. A weekend flight to and from, and meeting the birthmother is both exciting and nerve-racking. We’ve researched flights and hotel, and it just heightens the expectation we have.

The baby is a boy, which makes me excited to eventually get to teach him to throw a football, kick a soccer ball and catch a baseball–you know, all the father-son activities. Makes me smile. I’m smiling right now just thinking about my boy.

The birthmother has three children she is currently caring for, and has had a pretty hard life. We would appreciate your prayers for her as she goes through this difficult time.

Through all this excitement, the reality is the birthmother can always back out, even after the baby has been born (but before she relinquishes parental rights). Our prayer has been for God to give her peace in her decision to allow her baby to be adopted. Above all, we pray that God’s will prevails in our lives, the birthmother’s and the baby’s life.

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